Jude is a week old today! This week has been pretty crazy and I'm still kind of in survival mode but I'm surviving! I'm just so happy that he's here and healthy. After going through a lot of issues in the beginning I feel completely blessed that he's here safe! He's healthy and perfect and we love him so much!
My labor with Quorra was induced 9 days after her due date so I was pretty convinced there was no way Jude would come on his own. I had an induction scheduled 3 days before my due date and I just knew that was the day he was coming! I had everything planned for Monday. On the morning of Friday the 9th I woke up at 6 AM to Henry whining and got up to let him out. I got to the back door half asleep and realized that my water might have broken. It wasn't a lot so I really didn't know. I had been having a lot of contractions the night before but they were pretty much gone when I woke up so I really didn't think much of it. I was Strep B positive (a bacteria you can get during pregnancy that's harmless to the mom but can make the baby really sick) so I knew if my water was broken it was important to get to the hospital for antibiotics. I woke Jake up and told him what was going on and he convinced me that we should go to the hospital just to check it out. So, we grabbed our stuff and left for the hospital. I definitely didn't think I was in labor but we just figured it was better to be safe than sorry.
We got to the hospital and they put me in a triage room to see if my water actually had broken. They got me hooked up to a contraction monitor and started monitoring the baby's heartbeat and then tested to see if my water was broken. The test came back negative for amniotic fluid so I still have no idea what happened there, but during the time we were waiting I started to have really regular contractions, about 3-4 minutes apart. I was dilated to a 3 so they told me that in an hour if I had changed then we could stay. I was pretty convinced there would be no change (even with the crazy contractions.) The contractions got more and more painful, and an hour later at 9 AM I was at a 5. The nurse told us we were staying to have our baby that day! I was pretty shocked. For some reason I was still convinced it was all a false alarm and he was coming on Monday. They moved us over to a real room and things just started happening! They got my IV in within the next ten minutes and put me on the epidural list. A bit later the anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural and my mom got there to take pictures.
After the epidural was in the nurse gave me a little extra of the epidural medication to try to get it to start working. I was laying down at the time and my blood pressure dropped really dramatically when she gave me the medicine. My ears started ringing, I couldn't hear, and started to black out. The nurse ran out and got something else to put in my IV to bring my blood pressure back up. It was kind of terrifying. Eventually I felt a little better and then things started to slow down a little bit. They ended up giving me a little bit of Pitocin to get things moving again. I rested and we waited for a little while and then I was at a 10! All in all everything had happened really fast. I was still surprised I was even in the hospital at all.
The doctor came in (my doctor was out of town so it was one of his partners) and literally 3 pushes later Jude came into the world! For a minute he didn't cry and I kept asking if he was ok. The nurses said he was fine, he just didn't want to cry! Eventually he cried a little, probably just to make us all happy. Then he calmed right down again.
He was 7lbs 15oz (the same as Quorra!) and 18" long (3 inches SHORTER than Q.) The whole thing just happened so fast and his delivery was really calm and peaceful which is appropriate for little Jude because he himself is a very calm, peaceful baby! I didn't think it was possible to have an easier delivery than my first but it was even easier. I was really happy that I ended up going in to labor on my own! It was once again an amazing experience. Nothing beats the high of seeing your baby for the first time. It's unlike anything else.
And just like that it's been a whole week since the day he came! The first couple of days home the hospital were so hard. I was so sleep deprived I could barely function and that made me super emotional and it was really a struggle. I also missed Quorra and missed spending time with her and Jake. It was really hard...I had no idea how hard it would be! I've finally started to figure out what Jude likes and doesn't like and he is now napping and spending the night in his bassinet which means I'm also able to sleep. I'm feeling a lot better now that baby and I have started to establish a routine together.
A little 1 week update on Jude: He is extremely calm and content. He very rarely cries and only gets fussy when he wants to eat. He can chug a 2-3oz bottle in 5 minutes which is pretty impressive for such a tiny guy. He's definitely a good eater! He is also a good sleeper! He's waking up a few times a night but he's easy to put back down after he eats. He's a mommy's boy so far and he definitely knows his mom. He loves to cuddle and lay on my chest. He really loves to be held! He's a Binky baby and is already attached to his pacifier. I haven't gotten around to doing his newborn photos yet but hopefully I'll get that done this weekend! Until then here are some crappy iPhone photos of my sweet little boy!
I love you! This is great and you are a good mom. Way to go, you survived the first week! It can sure be hard. All these darling pictures of tiny baby brother are making me so excited to meet my baby. :) Glad you wrote all this down!