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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful for...

Today I am thankful for...

My husband and everything he does for Quorra and I. He works so hard for us.

My baby girl and her smiles for always making me feel happy, even when I'm down.

My parents and my sister, who I love so much.

My in-laws, who I also love.

My big fuzzy puppy dog, Henry. 

Our warm house and all the blankets on our bed that keep us warm at night.

True friends that have been by my side for years. (You know who you are. I hope.) 

My ward for making me feel accepted.

The gospel and the atonement for always getting me through the tough times. (And I have had my share of tough times.)

The temple for letting me be sealed to my family for eternity. 

This beautiful place we live in. Even if it does get kinda cold.

I have so much to be thankful for in my life. Sometimes I get a little sidetracked and start to feel like I don't have enough, but I am truly blessed. 

This week has been particularly hard and I will honestly say that I started to feel bad for myself. I look at girls my age and think, "I wish I had clothes like that" or, "I wish we had that for our house." Jake and I are currently struggling through getting him through school and working through being poor new parents (let me emphasize the word poor), and lately I've been caught up in feeling like I need things. Do you know what I mean?  This world these days makes me feel like I need to be perfect. On Facebook, on Pinterest, I'm constantly seeing what clothes I should be wearing, what stuff I should have, and all of it costs money. A lot of the times, it costs quite a bit of money. Money is not something we have loads of these days. It's been easy for me to feel like I am lacking something. 

What I've realized these past few days is that really, I am lacking nothing. 

I know that someday I will look back on this part of my life and I wont care about any of the material stuff. This is a hard time of my life, but it's the best time of my life. I have the world. I am seriously, seriously blessed. I know that someday, when Quorra looks back, she is not going to remember what clothes she was wearing or what I was wearing. She's not going to remember how much money I spent on all of her things. What I want her to remember is the experiences. I want her to remember the things we do together as a family. And I want us to be a happy family. That is my focus, and my goal is to care a little less about what I don't have and focus on the things that I do have. I want to be happy in the here and now. We're looking towards the future and planning for what we will have someday, but I don't want that to take away from the fact that I have so many good things in my life right now, without a big TV or fancy clothes. Someday I hope we get there. But we're not there yet, and that's ok. It's more than ok. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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